Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Eating Disorders And Personality Disorders :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Patients experiencing dietary problems gorge on food and in some cases are both Anorectic and Bulimic. This is an incautious conduct as characterized by the DSM (especially on account of BPD and less significantly of Cluster B issue as a rule). A few patients receive these clutters as their method of self damaging. We might be seeing a union of two standards: self-mutilation and an incautious (rather, habitual or ceremonial) conduct. The way to improving the psychological condition of patients with double determination (a character issue in addition to a dietary issue) lies in concentrating upon their eating and resting issue. In my view, these scatters are a surprisingly beneficial turn of events. It is infrequently, even in the lives of ordinary individuals, that they are confronted with a genuine, recognizable foe. By controlling their dietary problems, patients can affirm command over their lives. This will undoubtedly lessen their downturn (even dispose of it through and through as a consistent component of their psychological life). This will undoubtedly improve different features of their character issue. Here is the chain: controlling eating disorders=controlling my life=I am commendable, I have fearlessness, confidence and self-worth=I have a test, an intrigue, an adversary to subjugate=I am strong=I can socialize=I feel much improved (I am a triumph) and so on. At the point when a patient has a character issue and a dietary problem, I see no reason for focusing from the start on anything other than his dietary problem. Character Disorders are complex and recalcitrant. They are once in a while relieved (however certain angles, as OCD, can be managed utilizing drug). It requires the colossal, constant and nonstop speculation of assets of each sort by each one included. This isn't practical. Additionally this is certifiably not a practical danger. On the off chance that a character issue is restored however the dietary problems are exasperated, the patient may bite the dust (however intellectually sound) ... A dietary problem is both a sign of pain (I wish to pass on, I feel so awful, someone help me) and a message: "I think I lost control. I am exceptionally scared of losing control. I will control my food admission and out-take. Along these lines I control at any rate ONE part of my life". This is the place we can and should start to support the patient. Help him to recapture control. The family or other supporting figures must figure what they can do to cause the patient to feel that he is in charge, that he oversees things his own particular manner, that he is contributing, has his own timetables, his own plan, has both position and obligation.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Additionally it may be beneficial Essay

Much obliged to you for such an adroit post! How extraordinary is it that you had the option to straightforwardly identify with Tammy in moving into a place of authority inside an association where you had recently been working? I totally concur with you in that Tammy should encourage connections that advance efficiency. I wonder if Tammy will be enticed to lean towards a progressively 1,9 administrative style where she concentrates more on connections than on creation. â€Å"His point as a trough, be that as it may, is to abstain from constraining for creation at a rate higher than that which would win acknowledgment from authoritative members† (Blake-Mouton, 191). I envision that it is hard to concentrate as much on creation as on connections when you as of now have built up fellowships with the individuals that you are attempting to lead. It seems as if you had the option to achieve to a greater extent a 9,9 administrative style, which is a significant accomplishment! So as to concentrate more on creation, she should embrace an authority style that is high in starting structure. As Dr. Wagner discussed in his video, â€Å"Initiating Structure and Consideration,† Tammy should set and keep up distinct guidelines of execution for her group on the off chance that she plans to turn the YMCA around. Much obliged to you again for a great post! Julia Teresa, I concur with you when you state Tammy should start structure and thought. For this situation I think these styles of authority are both similarly significant. Also it might be gainful for her to comprehend her staff as well as to comprehend her own novel administration styles. She represented a few addressed relating to her own administration, expressing, â€Å"do I have the right stuff and abilities to viably change the current situation?† Tammy is savvy in offering these conversation starters and understanding that only having thought might be vain, as there is no immediate connection among thought and occupation execution. How useful do you figure it will be for Tammy to know her administrative style? Where do think Tammy falls on the network? I would dare to state she perhaps The 9.9 Managerial Style. It will be significant for her to set an organized domain whereby staff can unreservedly believe, be inventive, and express. As per Blake and Moutonâ â€Å"when individuals can think, when they have effect on results, they support as opposed to agree or stand up to. â€Å" (Blake and Mouton pp. 196) Blake, R, and Mouton, J (2010). The Managerial Grid. In J.T. McMahon(Ed) Leadership Classics(pp185-199) Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. Nooks, D.G. and Seashore, S.E. (2010) A Four-Factor Theory of Leadership. In J.T. McMahon (Ed.) Leadership Classics(pp 200-210). Long Grove, IL. Waveland Press. Ken Mark and Gerard Seijts, â€Å"The Scarborough YMCA: Getting Back on Track,† in Cases in Leadership, ed. W. Glenn Rowe and Laura Guerrero (Los Angeles: SAGE Publishing) 107-115. Your post was astute. You referenced that Tammy will do well for three reasons: 1. Her associates as of now see her as a friend and trust hrialer. 2. She won't need to experience an underlying phase of having the group gotten comfortable with her and the other way around to have the option to build up a confiding in relationship. 3. Since they as of now consider her to be a friend, her capacity to rouse and move them will be improved. This is valid. Moreover I have discovered that peer administration doesn’t consistently comprise for positive results. Tammy may encounter some push once more from staff that endure to stay in average quality and careless. Some staff may imagine that Tammy has gotten â€Å"big headed† because of her recently doled out influential position. At the point when I took on my new administrative position lamentably, some staff must be discharged. It was meticulous however fundamental. On account of Tammy, she consented to take on the position in the event that she had the power to completely chief staff. I would dare to state Tammy was being proactive and may have predicted this inescapable destiny for a portion of her previous companions. While Bower and Seashore express the discoveries affirm there is noteworthy and solid connection among administrative and peer authority qualities, there are other considerations.(Bower and Seashore, pp 209) One thought is sited in Leadership Classics as â€Å"seven of the eight initiative attributes delineated in â€Å"A Four Factor Theory Of Leadership† have some influence in the prescient model created from information; just companion association help appears to play no one of a kind role.†(Leadership Classics, p 209) For the situation of ‘peer leadership’, it is no contention that there areâ pros and cons and the result is capricious.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write a Statement For a Dissertation Essay

How to Write a Statement For a Dissertation EssayAre you looking to know how to write a thesis statement for a thesis essay? Do you want to create a strong statement that stands out from the crowd of essays that you are reading? If you have not written one before, this article will teach you a few of the key components that you will need to write your own statement.One of the first things that you need to do is consider what your statement is going to be about. Some of the more common topics that you can write on include religion, political perspectives, and education. Think about the topics that interest you and the information that you have gained from your studies, and then decide which ones would work well for your thesis. Once you have made your decision, write down the topic and the exact purpose for which you want to express it.The next thing that you need to do is gather as much information as possible. You want to be as objective as possible in gathering the information that you need. You may also want to discuss the research with other people if you are not familiar with their work. You may be able to talk to an instructor or someone who has done research on the topic so that you can gain insight from them.Once you have gathered the information that you need, you will need to organize the information into one concise, yet accurate statement. Take a look at all of the information that you have gathered, and then take a note of the keywords. Look for words or phrases that apply to your topic. For example, if you were writing a thesis about education, you could use words like 'education,' 'vocabulary,' and 'learning' when writing your thesis statement. Use the keywords carefully so that your statement will sound perfect.Every student needs to consider their purpose for writing their thesis. If your purpose is for educational purposes, you can add several ideas to your thesis that pertain to your educational pursuits. However, do not just add random ideas that pertain to school or college. Instead, try to make your statement something that the reader will easily relate to and understand.The final step is to sit down and write it down. You may want to compile your information from articles or other sources. This will help you keep track of the facts that you are writing about. This will also help you know exactly where you are in your research. If you find that you have a good idea of where you are in your research, you can go back and re-write your statement and make it better.It is important to remember that it is much easier to use a thesis statement when the content is complete. You should use your statement to cover all of the information that you will need for your thesis. Do not put your ideas into sentences. You can then use lists, bullet points, and other tools to help you develop a great sentence structure. You can also put keywords in the subject headings to tie the entire thesis together.Using a thesis statement for a the sis essay is not difficult to write. Just follow these tips and you will be well on your way to knowing how to write a thesis statement for a thesis essay.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Logical Form and Formal Logic in Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress - Literature Essay Samples

Dialectical structure is probably one of the major characteristics of all Metaphysical poetry. Donne was the pioneer of this type of poetry, which was marked by erudite scholarship, and difficulty of thought. It is said that a whole book of knowledge can be compiled from the scholarly allusions in only Donne and Cowley. This, perhaps, often leads to obscurity, which has been regarded as one of the demerits of Metaphysical poetry, and many of Donne’s contemporaries believed that â€Å"it confuses the pleasures of poetry with the pleasures of puzzles†. Indeed, there are many who do approve of this type of complexity, for to them it is thought-provoking and novel. But critics generally agree that such poetry makes intellectual demands on the reader, forcing him to think logically. Moreover, the very fact that only an erudite audience can properly appreciate this poetry makes for a limited readership. The fact is that Donne and his contemporaries bring the mind into play, e ven when they are expressing deep emotional or spiritual themes. The very combination of spiritual and emotional subject matter, and intellectual and logical form, is the essence of the type of poetry that Donne evolved.Among all the Metaphysical poets, however, there is none, not even Donne, who adheres to the methodology of formal logic as much as Andrew Marvell. His poems therefore become as much speculative and imaginative poetry, as intellectual exercises based on copybook methods of argumentation and analysis. One of his most popular and representative poems in this regard is â€Å"To His Coy Mistress,† a poem which can be used as the supreme example of the method of Metaphysical dialectics. The two logical methods that Marvell employs in this poem are taken from formal logic and philosophy. The first is the formal method of argumentation known as Syllogism. The second is a philosophical premise that is a part of ancient hedonistic doctrines, and has been popularly know n as the Carpe-diem theme.Use of SyllogismLogic, basically, is of two kinds – inductive and deductive. Inductive logic is instilled into us by everyday experience, such the logic contained in the sentence : â€Å"The sun rises in the east†. It disturbs our sense of logic to say that it rises in the west, for no other reason than that it is unnatural. Inductive logic, however, may change over time under the onslaught of deductive logic, such as when people changed their minds from saying â€Å"The earth is flat† to â€Å"The earth is round†. Deductive logic, however, forms the core of all treatises on logic, and consists of several methods and types of inferences.Syllogism is a component of deductive logic, in which there are three categorical propositions, consisting of two premises and one conclusion. The conclusion that emerges is true IF the two terms are true. A stock example is the following: All men are mortal; Indians are men; So all Indians are mo rtal. We have to accept the first two premises from inductive logic, that men are mortal and that Indians are men. Then only we may come to the conclusion that emerges from these premises. Often, when it is not clear whether the first two premises are true, the syllogism is represented by the If.But..Therefore structure, such as the following: If man could fly he would be a bird; But man cannot fly; So man is not a bird. It is this structure which is followed in To His Coy Mistress.To His Coy Mistress is a typically Metaphysical poem, which has been heavily influenced by Donne. Yet, there is no poem of Donne which is so rigidly logical in form. The poem is written totally from the point of view of the man, and the rigidly logical analysis centres almost totally on the desire of the lover, ignoring any analysis of the coyness of the lady. As such, being totally intellectual in nature, general readers find a lack of true and deep emotion, even though it is a poem about love, and the n ature of the love concentrates almost totally on the physical. In this respect it can even be regarded as coldly calculating.Being syllogistic in structure, corresponding to the If..But..Therefore format, the poem has three distinct parts – 1) What he would do IF he had enough space and time; 2) BUT time flies; 3) THEREFORE we must catch the moment while it lasts. Donne is also argumentative and persuasive, but never in such an extreme form.The first section of the poem is a speculation on what the poet would have done IF he had enough time and space. If fact, the whole poem is based on the space-time continuum, and every line has words or references to either space or time. If the poet did have enough time, he would have wooed his mistress ten years before the Flood (which, by the way, refers to both the Biblical flood in which Noah was saved by means of his ark, and the classical flood, in which Deucalion and Pyrrha remained alive amidst the general doom), and she would hav e time enough to refuse him till Doomsday. In other words, the whole gamut of time, from Creation till the Day of Judgment would be at his disposal, in which to extend his love-making at will. With so much time on his hands, he would have spent a hundred years to praise her eyes and forehead, and two hundred to adore her breasts. Thirty thousand years would be spent to adore the rest of her body.Similarly, if he had the entire world as his own space, he would allow his love to grow vaster and slower than great empires – in this case, the erstwhile Jewish empire. In this respect, his love is truly â€Å"vegetable love†, which grows of its own accord, filling up all the surrounding space if not checked, and is totally Platonic and non-physical in character.BUT, says the poet in the second section, Time is unfortunately not so generous, and is always at his back, hurrying him along. Marvell here uses a telling conceit to picture Time as rushing up fast on a winged chariot , soon to overcome them. In front of them lies Eternity, like a huge desert, barren and stark, in which it is no use to run in order to escape from the hurrying chariot of Time. The idea is that even if the mistress does manage to preserve her virginity till death, she will not be able to escape the ravages of time, for in the grave her body will slowly crumble to dust, and her virginity, which she had so carefully preserved all these years, will be penetrated by worms. As such, she will not be able to keep her precious virginity after all, for even if she remains celibate in life, she will lose it to worms after death. It is a blatantly sexual image, but it is purposely used by the poet to instil a feeling of disgust for death, which is his aim. The space-time continuum is carried on here from a different viewpoint. The endless space and time of the first part of the argument, is closed down to the space of a small tomb and uselessness of time in death in the second part.The third section, dealing with the â€Å"THEREFORE† part of the argument, is devoted to convincing the lady that she must utilize whatever time she has at her disposal. The poet’s suggestion about the manner in which this fleeting time should be passed is essentially sensual, and is based on the fact that the mistress has the two things necessary for a sensual enjoyment of life – youth, which sits on her skin like morning dew, and burning fire of passion, with which every one of her pores transpires. The lovers are like birds of prey who â€Å"tear up† their â€Å"pleasures with rough strife†, thus devouring Time, which is posing so much of a problem – an image in which sexual connotations are uppermost. In this manner, says Marvell, they may perhaps be unable to make â€Å"the sun stop† – that is, lengthen out time; but they will certainly compel the sun â€Å"to run† – that is, utilize the time so thoroughly that the awa reness of time itself may be minimized. Moreover, since the sun represents life and energy apart from time, to make it â€Å"run† also means to use life and energy to the maximum. The poem thus gives us a sense of the wide gulf between the ideal and the real, between what is imagined and what is actually possible.Syllogistic logic, though belonging to the deductive type, can be easily used for mockery or satire, by making the lines seem logical, while all the time logic is actually undermined. Such distortion of logic is common, and by the syllogistic method, false premises may be categorically stated, and conclusions may be drawn which do not directly emerge from them. False syllogisms have been the hallmark of many a conman, and also many a poet, and they have been widely used both by lawyers and by philosophers. Indeed, â€Å"State a false syllogism† was the twenty-fourth of Schopenhauer’s strategms. From this point of view, it may safely be said that To His Coy Mistress is a prime example of false logic by the use of the syllogistic method.Ostensibly this poem is strictly framed according to the If..But..Therefore structure. However, the primary rule for an acceptable syllogism is that the conclusion must be drawn from the two premises which have been supplied before. In this poem the â€Å"If† section describes a speculation about what the poet would have done IF he had infinite space and time. The second section asserts the obvious – that he does not have this infinitude. The third section, however, does not automatically emerge from these two premises. Not having enough space and time, the lover advises his coy mistress that they will have to use the time they have in making wild love, and in tearing their â€Å"pleasures with rough strife† – which conclusion may be countered with several other conclusions regarding the manner in which a couple may pass their time. As such, the final section is totally in dividualistic, and not a general rule.The conclusion we as readers may, therefore, draw is that Marvell is basically a poet writing poetry, and not a logical treatise. The tone of the entire poem is light and bantering, aimed at mockery, rather than passionate and loving, aimed at true emotion. The logic, therefore, is mocking, too, building up an argument which is basically hollow. That is why the poem has always been enjoyed as one of the best examples of Metaphysical poetry, not Puritan logic.The Carpe-diem theme :Hedonism has always been couched in a cover of logic. There are several modes and strains of hedonistic philosophy, and all of them basically try to argue the case that pleasure is the only aim and purpose of man, as his life is short, and there is nothing much to expect after it is over. The Epicurean philosophy from the Greeks, for example, tries to analyse the truism of the proposition, â€Å"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die†. The very word  "for† suggests logical analysis. We should enjoy life not because that is what we want, but because time is running away, and there will be no more time left to take in the pleasures of the world. Usually hedonistic philosophies are strongly materialistic, often rejecting any belief in the after-life, for the idea of heaven and hell are not very conducive to regarding pleasure as the ultimate good, for too much pleasure is usually discouraged by established religions. One of these various branches of hedonistic thought has given rise to the Carpe-diem theme, originally used from an ode by Horace, but being developed as a password to pleasure. The word loosely means â€Å"Seize the day†, that is , catch the time before it passes away. This is, moreover, related to later such themes, such as Carpe-florem (â€Å"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may† from Herrick’s famous poem), which all finally mean the same. All these have become popular motifs in lyric poetry. The speaker in a carpe-diem poem emphasizes that life is short, and that time is fleeting, in order to convince his mistress to make the most of the pleasures immediately available to her. Later, when carpe-diem comes to be associated with carpe-florem, the rose becomes symbolic of beauty and the transitoriness of life, as in Spenser’s The Faerie Queene – â€Å"Gather yet the rose while yet is prime†. In Marvell’s Coy Mistress the lover expresses a desperation to pursue pleasures, because of the sentence of inevitable death that is the sure end of man.The first section, in which the poet lists the ways in which he would utilize time and space if he had them in endless measures, serves as the prelude to the actual development of the carpe-diem theme. It is to be noticed that even if had all the time of the world in his hands, he would use it only to derive the pleasures of love – to praise and adore his mistress for as long as it is possible. It is the second section in which the true meaning of the theme becomes clear. Here, in contrast to the speculative endlessness of time and space of the first section, the other extreme is described – the narrowness of space and time. The image of the virgin lady lying dead in her coffin with worms eating into her, is purposely anti-Romantic, for it is the purpose of the poet to make death seem as unattractive as possible in comparison with life. In fact, the carpe-diem theme automatically brings with it speculations of what the lady will become when she grows old and ugly. Moreover, the space-time continuum is carried on here from a different viewpoint. The infinite and space and time of the first part of the argument is closed down to the space of a small tomb, and the uselessness of time in death, in the second part. It is also interesting that the view of death presented in the second part is in direct contradiction to the Christian doctrine of life after death. From a Puritan like Marvell this is indeed astonishing. We may accept that such a view is purposely non-Christian for argument’s sake, but it is positively Pagan in its celebration of life, totally ignoring the considerations of morality or faith. Death is shown to be the end, and as such, the value of life becomes greater – something which is usually the logic of all hedonistic doctrines. Instead of seeing death as a stepping stone to a better life, it is shown as fearful and disgusting. The concept of worms penetrating the mistress’s virginity underlines the intense sensuality of the lover’s argument. The third part deals with the present – the use the lovers may make of space and time as they are available now. In view of the fact that there is very little time at the disposal of the lovers, they will have to â€Å"tear† their pleasures â€Å"with rough strife†, like â€Å"birds of prey†. This image immediately brings to mind associations of wild passion, which is what the poet advocates as â€Å"pleasure†. However, the outcome of this passion is closer to the Scholastic viewpoint, most commonly accepted by the Metaphysical poets in general. By consummating their love, the lovers will roll together all their strength and sweetness into a ball, which, it should be remembered, is also the traditional symbol of perfection – something attained by the union of the qualities of strength (Male) and sweetness (Female), both of which are required to make up the whole. The idea of these qualities coming together to create perfection is also to be found in Donne’s The Canonization and other such poems.The whole poem is written in tetrameter couplets instead of the usual pentameter, which is done purposely to heighten the tempo and thus give the impression of great hurry. This suits the poems extremely well, for the incessant harping on time running away is the primary focus of the poem, and is also very muc h a part of the carpe-diem motif.The logical syllogistic structure of the poem is strengthened by the hedonistic arguments. In this poem, particularly, Marvell is only interested in love as a given topic, which gives him the opportunity of performing exciting variations on an old theme. Donne is far more emotionally involved in his subjects, all the more because his poetry arises from real-life situations. Like Donne, however, Marvell’s poem is extremely dramatic, for throughout we can picture the presence of the woman, even though the focus is mainly on the poet lover himself. The carpe-diem theme is essentially developed as a rhetorical theme, quite common in the time, but Marvell’s originality lies in his ironical, almost burlesque treatment of the theme. This use of paradox and exaggeration to produce an effect of comedy has also been pointed out by T.S. Eliot as being characteristic of Marvell. All said and done, To His Coy Mistress is very much an intellectual po em using stock methods of logical analysis in a mocking way for a very special poetic effect.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Plague - Bacillus Yersinia Pestis Essay - 1364 Words

Identification and Prevention of What Makes Life â€Å"Nasty, Brutish, and Short† Plague is caused by the bacterium bacillus Yersinia pestis, and is carried by rodents, fleas, and mammals. Plague takes three forms: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Bubonic plague affects the lymph glands, while the pneumonic and septicemic forms affect the lungs and the blood. Today, plague can be prevented by antibiotics and strict public health measures. Three methods of controlling carriers involve sanitizing the environment, educating the public on how to prevent exposure, and using prophylactic antibiotics. â€Å"O happy posterity, who will not experience such abysmal woe and will look upon our testimony as a fable,† wrote the Florentian Renaissance†¦show more content†¦2 Yersinia pestis belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae, a family of Gram-negative, cocobacillus, rod-shaped bacteria. This anaerobic and intracellular agent (â€Å"CRBNE – Plague†) of plague primarily affects rodent populations on every continent except Australia. Plague takes three forms, in which Yersinia pestis is the same agent: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. The bubonic plague, through which Yersinia pestis affects the lymph nodes, is transmitted to humans usually by the bite of an infected rodent flea (Kool, J.). This variety is identified by a sudden attack of high fever, chills, general discomfort, muscular pain, severe headache, and most of all, the buboe. The buboe, from which comes â€Å"bubonic,† is a smooth and painful swelling of the lymph glands that takes place mainly in the groin, but can also occur in the armpits or neck. The symptoms appear usually two to five days after exposure to Yersinia pestis. Although it is the least dangerous of the varieties, the bubonic plague constitutes three-fourths of all plague cases. Those affected by bubonic plague have a 1 to 15% mortality rate in treated cases, and a 40-60% mortality rate in untreated cases (â€Å"CRBNE -- Plague†). The pneumonic plague, in which Yersinia pestis affects the lungs, is the only form of plague transmissible among humans (Kool, J.). This variety is characterized by difficulty in breathing and severeShow MoreRelatedYersinia Pestis And The Plague872 Words   |  4 PagesYersinia pestis and the Plague The infectious disease known as â€Å"the Plague† is spread by a bacterium classified as Yersinia pestis, which is usually transmitted in the bites of fleas or infected animals or people. Infectious Disease: Signs and Symptoms The plague has three different forms: Bubonic, Septicemic, and Pneumonic. The signs and symptoms of the bubonic plague usually include fever, headache, chills, and weakness and one or more swollen, tender and painful lymph nodes. A flea will typicallyRead MoreYersinia Pestis And The Plague1131 Words   |  5 PagesYersinia pestis and the Plague Jin You MMI 133 Dr. Judith Gnarpe One organism that commonly causes diseases in humans is Yersinia pestis. This bacterium is the causative agent of the infamous bubonic plague, primary septicaemic plague, and primary pneumonic plague. Y. pestis was first discovered by Shibasaburo Kitasato and Alexandre Yersin, but due to Yersin’s description of the bacteria being more accurate, this bacterium was named after him (3). There are still disputes going on for who had correctlyRead MoreThe Death Of The Black Death2017 Words   |  9 PagesThe pandemic known to history as the Black Death was one of the world’s worst natural disasters in history. It was a critical time for many as the plague hit Europe and â€Å"devastated the Western world from 1347 to 1351, killing 25%-50% of Europe’s population and causing or accelerating marked political, economic, social, and cultural changes.† The plague made an unforgettable impact on the history of the West. It is believed to have originated somewhere i n the steppes of central Asia in the 1330s andRead MoreThe Black Death And The Plague Outbreak1331 Words   |  6 Pagesoutbreaks in history was the plague outbreak which peaked in 1346 to 1353, in Europe, commonly known as the Black Death. This plague outbreak was extremely deadly and killed 30-60% of the European population at the time of the outbreak. The outbreak is commonly believed to have been caused by the bubonic plague, but modern evidence suggests that the Black Death was caused by pneumonic plague, a much more contagious and deadly infection. The Black Death was the second major plague outbreak in history, theRead More Bubonic Plague Essay2040 Words   |  9 PagesBubonic plague has had a major impact on the history of the world. Caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis, and transmitted by fleas often found on rats, bubonic plague has killed over 50 million people over the centuries. Burrowing rodent populations across the world keep the disease present in the world today. Outbreaks, though often small, still occur in many places. The use of antibiotics and increased scientific knowledge first gained in the 1890s have reduced the destruction of plague outbreaksRead MoreBubonic Plague2091 Words   |  9 PagesBubonic plague has had a major impact on the history of the world. Caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis, and transmitted by fleas often found on rats, bubonic plague has killed over 50 million people over the centuries. Burrowing rodent populations across the world keep the disease present in the world today. O utbreaks, though often small, still occur in many places. The use of antibiotics and increased scientific knowledge first gained in the 1890s have reduced the destruction of plague outbreaksRead MoreThe Causative Agent Of The Infamous Bubonic Plague, Primary Septicaemic Plague And Primary Pneumonic Plague1604 Words   |  7 PagesYersinia pestis is the causative agent of the infamous bubonic plague, primary septicaemic plague, and primary pneumonic plague. Y. pestis was first discovered by Shibasaburo Kitasato and Alexandre Yersin, but due to Yersin’s description of the bacteria being more accurate, this bacterium was named after him (3). There are still disputes going on for who had correctly identified Y. pestis first. Yersinia pestis belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae bacteria family and is a Gram-negative coccobacillusRead MoreThe plagues in England Essay1044 Words   |  5 PagesIn England there were three specific plagues that i will be talking about, they are the bubonic plague â€Å"The Black Death†, pulmonary plague and the pneumonic plague. These plagues were really interesting to read about. They were so bad that many people died from them. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong with the people since there was that much new technology in the thirteenth century. The black death was a deadly epidemic that was spread from Asia to Europe by twelve trading ships that wereRead MoreThe Black Plague also known as The Bubonic Plague was a huge widespread plague that went through600 Words   |  3 PagesThe Black Plague also known as The Bubonic Plague was a huge widespread plague that went through Asia and Europe. It reached Europe in the late 1340s and then carried on for centuries. It is estimated that 25 million people were dead; one in 5 residents was died. Many people were killed by the plague if not injured and barely living. The Black Plague affected many people. The cause of the plague was thought to be the bacillus Yersinia Pestis which was the most fatal disease of the Middle Ages. TheRead MoreThe Bubonic Plague Essay1463 Words   |  6 PagesThe Bubonic Plague Introduction Plague, was a term that was applied in the Middle Ages to all fatal epidemic diseases, but now it is only applied to an acute, infectious, contagious disease of rodents and humans, caused by a short, thin, gram-negative bacillus. In humans, plague occurs in three forms: bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and septicemic plague. The best known form is the bubonic plague and it is named after buboes, or enlarged, inflamed lymph nodes, which are characteristics

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Separate Peace And To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

Ozichi Chinedu SR Spiers EIH Compare and Contrast Essay 15 Dec. 2017 The two novels A Separate Peace by John Knowles and To Kill a Mockingbird both share major commonalities within the text, which take multiple glances to fully comprehend. For instance, one major commonality that both novels share is the recurring symbol that plays a major role in the character’s lives. That symbol is the tree. This tree that captivates both Scout and Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird, and the tree that shows the bond between Gene and Finny in A Separate Peace. Contrarily, in both texts, the authors use this same tree as a symbol of a loss between the characters. To illustrate, in A Separate Peace the protagonist Gene and his connection to the tree is a†¦show more content†¦He uses the tree by filling it with small items he finds in his house to communicate with the neighborhood kids. â€Å"We were walking past our tree in its knot-hole rested a ball of twine.† (Lee 66). These objects in the tree connected with Scout and Jem because the kids would ta ke them and wait for more, they valued these small tokens of benevolence from Boo. Notwithstanding, in both texts, the author uses the tree to symbolize loss. In To Kill a Mockingbird the author uses the tree that was originally giving gifts from Boo Radley to Scout and Jem had gotten plugged, courtesy of Boo’s father, Nathan. When Nathan did this he was basically cutting off Boo’s communication between Boo and the kids. â€Å"Trees dying, you plug them with cement when they’re sick.† (Lee 70). nevertheless, this tree was perfectly fine. Nathan Radley was not content with Boo going outside and leaving â€Å"gifts† in trees for the neighborhood. He was, however, content with Boo staying locked in the house. Not only that but in A Separate Peace the tree that once symbolized the bond between Gene and Finny, now symbolize the loss between a friend and what he loves. Finny and Gene had created a group that in order to join you needed to jump from the t ree. This group was named The Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. One night the boys were having a meeting and something out of the ordinary happened, when Finny was getting ready to jump with Gene behindShow MoreRelatedTo Kill A Mockingbird And A Separate Peace By John Knowles1315 Words   |  6 PagesThe informed, written analysis and evaluation of a work of literature is known as literary criticism, which is based on a literary theory. An examples of such a literary theory is intertextual criticism, involving the comparison of two separate novels. Written by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird is comparable to A Separate Peace by John Knowles. Both novels are fictitious and showcase universal symbols, themes, characters, and numerous other literary devices utilized by authors. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Equity focused Health Impact Assessment (EFHIA)

Question: Discuss about the Equity focused Health Impact Assessment (EFHIA). Answer: Introduction: Equity focused Health Impact Assessment (EFHIA) is a framework of health impact evaluation strategy to determine the possible differences or unequal aspects of policy on the health and welfare of a particular population or group within that particular population. EFHIA determines whether these different impacts are inequitable. EFHIA helps to strengthen the HIA in terms of identification and assessment of diffenrial health impact as inequitable. EFHIA mainly assess impact of policy on the different groups within the groups, characteristics of these impacts, whether these impacts are inequitable and recommendations are made to reduce these inequities (Harris-Roxas et al., 2014; Signal and Durham, 2000). Although, health impact assessment (HIA) should reflect on health equity, susceptibility and the division of prospective impacts, in reality this objective has been complicated to recognize, often because it is a complex process. EFHIA is a specific form of HIA to present a structured process for assessing health equity impacts (Povall et al., 2014; Gagnon et al., 2007). There were around 36 tools established for the assessing the equity in the healthcare, however HIA and EFHIA were the best rated among all for assessing the equity in healthcare issues. HIAs suggestions can have following impact on the health policy to be implemented: Well designed HIA policy has the ability to identify the negative health impacts and lessen these impacts. Accurate implementation of the HIA policy has potential to improve the positive health impacts. HIA improves positive health impacts by distributing the positive health impacts to the groups, subgroups and every members of the community. HIA make sure that each and every person comes under policy should get benefit from the positive health impact and improve the health and wellbeing of oneself and the society. HIA has the potential to identify the similar type of alternative approaches and proceed with these approaches to get the similar type of positive impact as that of the original approach. HIA has the ability to identify the approaches with very less success rate in the policy implementation and recommend not to proceed with these approaches (Vohra et al., 2003; Douglas and Scott-Samuel, 2001; Harris-Roxas et al., 2012; Simpson et al., 2004 ). Child nutrition is a global epidemic and it is the need of the hour to give serious attention to this problem. Adequate child nutrition is important because it is the foundation of the life of the children. Future life of the children is a completely depends of the quality of food children are consuming and amount of nutrition children are getting from the consumed food. All the essential components to be formed for the entire life of the child like blood and bone are essentially depend on the food consumed by the children. Child nutrition is not only the cause of worry because of malnutrion, however in recent times excess amount food consumption of low quality and low nutritive value is also a cause of concern globally (Hurley, 2016; Wuehler and Nadjilem, 2011). Aim: The aim of the child nutrition EFHIA is to assess the impact of this policy on the outcome in terms of equality and inequality high and low socioeconomic children. In this programme attention was given to meet the basis needs of malnourished children with low socioeconomic status and to control and monitor the less nutritive food consumption in the high socioeconomic status children mainly obese children. More focus was given to reduce the inequity in both malnourished and obese children. Aspect assessed in the programme: In this child nutrition HIA impact of policies and programmes, intentional and unintentionally on child nutrition were assessed. Based on the evidences, plan was developed to implement best strategy for the child nutrition. These strategies were developed based on the experiences of the nutritionist, parents, NGOs, government organizations and stakeholders in the child healthcare. More input was gathered from the conferences, workshops and seminars related to the child nutrition. These strategies were established in the childcare centers, schools and playgrounds. Different type of media like posters, audio-visual advertisements and personnel training to parents and school teachers were provided. Social marketing was effectively implemented for this programme. At the end, effect of all these strategies on the positive and negative outcome of the child nutrition programme was assessed. Project period: HIA programme for child nutrition was designed for the period of one year. This programme started off with the preparation of plan and strategy and a working group was formed which included management, expert members and volunteers. Next step was training to all the stakeholders. After completion of the training these plans and strategies were implemented in the schools, child healthcare centres and playgrounds. Outcome of these plan and strategies were evaluated in regular intervals and progress was discussed and required modifications were made in the plan to get better outcome. Steps in child nutrition HIA: Child nutrition HIA was designed on the basis of established steps for the EFHIA. These steps include screening, scoping, identification and assessment (Mahoney et al., 2004). This HIA process was particularly targeted at assessing equality and inequality of malnutrition and obesity within the child nutrition in high and low socioeconomic population. Community-based participatory plan and strategy was applied in the scoping and assessment and steps of the HIA (Israel et al., 2006; Minkler and Wallerstein, 2003; Wallerstein and Duran, 2006 ). Screening: First and foremost part of the screening is to identity the nature of policy. In this case policy is to implement good child nutrition policy in the low as well as high socioeconomic class. In the society, 50 % population is children and this policy could impact this large population. This child nutrition policy not only impacts in terms of number of population but also it impacts population in terms of duration also. This policy has very high impact on the society because this problem of child nutrition has long term impact on the future of society. If children didnt get proper nutrition in the childhood, it would definitely affect their future growth. In this policy mainly, children of low socioeconomic status and children of high socioeconomic status were affected. Stakeholders involved in this policy include parents, school teachers, trainers at playground, childcare specialists and other government and non government organizations directly or indirectly involved in the childcare . In the screening programme gaps were identified between the policy and the child nutrition. Also, corrective measures were established to fill these gaps and to improve outcome of child nutrition policy. In case of malnourished children, identified gaps were knowledge of the parents about the healthy food of the children and economic insufficiency to provide adequate food to the children. To improve on these gaps, parents were given training about the importance of the nutritional food for the children and its impact on the future growth of the children both physical and social terms. To solve the problem of economic insuffiecncy of the parents, arrangements were made to provide subsidized food to the children, policies were implemented in the school to provide nutritious mid-day food to the children so that there would be less burden on the parents in economic terms. Focus was also given on finding the equality and inequality of child nutrition among children of different socioeconomic status of the same society. In this study, it has been established that there is the unequal distribution of the food habits among the children of the same socioeconomic status. Children in the low socioeconomic status constitute both healthy and malnourished children. This is due to the negligence of parents, school children and other stakeholders of the society and not understanding of the importance of the healthy food for the children. In the same way, in high socioeconomic status children also there is the unequal distribution of the children as obese children and healthy children. One of the main causes identified for the obesity in school going children is consumption of the junk food which mainly includes sweetened beverages, fast foods, refined grains, processed meats, desserts, pizza, fries potatoes and sweets. It has been observed that there is the posit ive relation between the obesity and the low nutrient, high energy, low fibre, and high glycemic load food (Fox et al., 2009; Datar and Nicosia, 2012). In high socioeconomic status also not all the children were obese, few children were with good health. This inequality in the normal and obese children in high economic status is due to differences in the family culture about the food and negligence towards the long term adverse effects of junk food. To address this equality and inequality in both the malnourished and obese children, strategies were suggested. These strategies include teaching to the parents and teachers about the healthy food and importance of healthy food in the children, supplementation of healthy food in the school, ban of the junk food at school premises and at playgrounds. Screening tool for the child nutrition: To get the insight of the child nutrition a survey was conducted by asking questions to the stakeholders like parents, teachers and child care practitioners. Following were the questions asked to them : 1. Whether this policy has prospective to have positive impact on selection of food and nutrition for the children? 2. Whether this policy has prospective to have negative impact on selection of food and nutrition for the children? 3. Whether this policy has prospective to maintain equality in child nutrition? 4. Whether this policy has prospective to maintain ineuqility in child nutrition? 5. Whether policy has prospective to have improvement in the overall health and well being of the society in long term? 6. Whether this policy has potential to impact social, cultural and emotional aspects of the children. Child nutrition policy in the HIA has both positive and negative impacts on the different groups of the society. In this policy mainly two groups were involved i.e. low economic status group and high economic status group. It has been observed that there is the negative impact on the low economic group and positive impact on the high economic group. It makes clear that implementation of EFHIA in the low economic status children were not going to be changed with this policy. This policy was not going to change the choice of food and nutrition in the low economic status children. On the other side, this policy has the potential to change the selection of food and nutrition in the high economic status children. Scoping: Scoping is the process of establishing the framework of the policy in terms of completing the policy in designated time, with designed procedure and making aware of the all the stakeholders about their assigned tacks related to the policy (Birley, 1999). In scoping, initial attention was given to make decision on the nature and scope of the policy. This child nutrition policy is related to the health of the children both in the low and high socioeconomic status. This policy was designed for the children below ten years and these children include both school going and those which were not going to the school. As it is difficult to evaluate the children by visiting every house in the society, children were targeted those were going to the school, visiting the playground and childcare centers. Data was collected for the children about their eating habits in terms of amount of food, quality of food, whether it is a homemade food or outside food, if outside what is the frequency of outside food, interest and disinterest of children on food consumption. This information was collected mainly from the parents and teachers in one month time period of the total policy duration. Stakeholders form the different profession, communities and expert ise were designated to implement this policy. Policy makers group included management, expert committee, nutritionist, healthcare providers, community members and people from different government and non-government organization related to the field. Stake holders from the group on which policy was going to be implemented included children, parents, teachers and childcare health professionals. Others aspects required for the successful completion of the policy implementation project were also decided like budget of the project and source of financing, time duration of the project i.e. it should be completed in the 1 year period. All the plans were decided to implement the policy and it was recommended that intermediate reporting should be there to the management and expert team about the status and progress of the project. Management and expert team discussed and debated about the outcomes of the policy with all the stakeholders and made recommendations. Timely recommendations from t hem were incorporated in the plan of the policy to improve the outcome of the project. Tools applied in the child nutrition HIA were : 1. Based on the screening process whether there is the significant health impact. 2. What is the interest of community and government in the policy? 3. What is the capability in terms of expertise, financial and other resources for implementing the policy ? Implementation of this well structured plan, definitely helped to save time and resources in conducting the project. In this way a very clear and well designed project plan was implemented so that it would make easy way to the subsequent HIA step of the EFHIA. Impact Identification: Impact identification step of HIA was the most extensive step, in which most of the work related to the policy was carried out. In this prospective impacts of the policy were identified. Some of these prospective impacts were known from the earlier evidence and some were unknown. Later, these impacts were evaluated for the equality or inequality and positive or negative impacts. Known impacts identified in this process were : there was more influence of parents and family members on the food and nutrition habits of the children, also the community in which they were staying had impact on their food and nutrition habits, policies of the school. There were differences in the understanding of the policy between low and high socioeconomic status community. People with high socioeconomic status understood the policy and followed it, on the other side, it was difficult to make understand the policy to the people with low economic status. Educated parents were more efficient in implementati on of the policy as compared to the uneducated parents. Parents were more efficient in implementation of the policy as compared to the teachers and other stakeholders involved in this process. Unknown impact identified was, there was no clear distinction in terms of geography among the low and high socioeconomic status people. These two groups were evenly spread throughout the community. Data was collected from parents, teachers and childcare health professional to understand the impact of this policy on the low and high economic status population. This data was collected by arranging a workshop, so that all the data could be collected at the same time. Data was collected by preparing questionnaire and these stakeholders should respond to these questions. These questions were decided by the expert committee based on the evidences available for the child nutrition in the low and high economic status community. At the time of data collection, these stakeholders were advised to give suggestions on the current draft of the policy. Suggestions from these stakeholders were helpful in the redesigning of the project proposal in better way. This consultation form the stakeholders are very important because it was based on the actual evidence and it had high level impact on overall outcome of the project. In this way, these stakeholders were directly or indirectly involved in the future design of the project. At the same time, members of the expert committee and working group of the project were from the same communities of the low and high socioeconomic status. Hence it was easy for them to understand the issues and suggestions of the community stakeholders. Hence, they incorporated and implemented these suggestions in more effective way. This strategy was based on the recommendation of HIA over the epidemiology. Risk factors, observations and motivation were not taken same as that of its existence in HIA. However, these factors were based on the cause of its origin (Joffe and Mindell, 2002). This criteria of HIA was satisfied in better way by incorporation of suggestions of stakeholders from the community in the policy designing Working group of the project made sure that this policy was reaching to the each and every child, parent and teacher of the selected community those were within the scope of this project. Gaps were identified in the implementation of the policy like understanding of the policy by people in the low socioeconomic status and less education. Corrective actions were taken to make these people understand importance of the policy of the child nutrition HIA. There were slightly different strategies made for people with low socioeconomic status. Being working group of the policy from the same community, it helped to prepare modified strategy for the people in low socioeconomic status and with less education. Modifications or amendments made in the existing policy included, teaching them about the importance of child nutrition with direct communication instead of seminars or workshops. Also, priorities were decided on the certain tasks like giving more attention to make understand people in th e low socioeconomic status and with less education about the policy. Child nutrition HIA made it clear that one strategy or plan was not applicable to all the groups and subgroups within the community. If one strategy exhibited its potential in identifying equalities or inequalities in one section of the community, it would not be useful in finding the same in other section of the community. It was also established that different approaches were applicable at different levels and circumstances. These different approaches would be useful in identifying equalities and inequalities in overall population with differential population like low and high economic status in the same community. Assessment of Impacts: This was the final and most complex step of the child nutrition HIA. In this step recommendations of the previous steps were evaluated and discussed and suggestions during the interim reports were discussed. While making final decision on the recommendation, validity of the evidence behind the recommendation was examined for different stakeholders. This step performed the function of mapping of all the previous observations and evidences from different stakeholders to make final conclusion. Impact of the child nutrition HIA, was positive on the most of the population of the mentioned community. It had positive impact on all the members of the community with high socioeconomic status and 2/3 of the members of the low socioeconomic status community. Very few of the members of low socioeconomic status community were negatively impacted by this policy. Evidences about the impact of the child nutrition HIA were collected from the parents, teachers and childcare health professionals. There were the consistent evidences obtained from the parents and childcare health professionals. However, there was little discrepancy in evidences obtained from teachers as compared to the parents and childcare health professionals. This discrepancy in the evidences about the impact was in the acceptable limit. Hence, these evidences were considered in decision making for the final conclusion of the impact of the policy. Central topic of the child nutrition HIA policy was to reduce the inequality among the low and high socioeconomic status children. In this case also inequality was observed in implementing child nutrition policy among low and high socioeconomic status population. Inequality observed for the low socioeconomic population in the form of limited understanding of the HIA policy. However, this inequality could be reduced or avoided by implementing training or teaching in the form of direct communication instead of seminars and workshops. This inequality observed was acceptable and reasonable because expecting the same type understanding in both low and high socioeconomic status population was unfair to the low socioeconomic population. At the time of the assessment of the impact of the HIA policy considerations were given to the interests and needs of the stakeholders. These impacts were critically evaluated. Need of the low economic status community stakeholders considered was their inabi lity to provide quality food to their children due to the financial status. These stakeholders were given a fair chance to provide quality food to their children by giving subsidized food and later impact on them was evaluated. Few of the practices followed in the earlier policy were not successful like teaching to the people in low socioeconomic status. These practices were modified or amended to more friendly to this group of population by teaching them through the face to face communication instead of other media like seminars and workshops. Successful steps implemented in the policy were recommended to carry forward in the next policy and in the actual practice. All the advantages of the steps to be carried forward for the policy implementation in the actual practice were properly documented so that it could be used as evidence. Steps to be carried forward were the implementation of the strategy in the population in the high socioeconomic status population. Because it identifies both equalities and inequalities in this population and inequalities could be reduced with the implementation of this strategy. These recommendations from the child nutrition HIA were presented to the expert committee and manage ment. Expert committee and management examined and disused the feasibility of these recommendations and prepared final response to these recommendations. This response was again presented to the HIA working group and this working group agreed to the responses made by the expert committee and management (Bond, 2004). Recommendations made: In child nutrition HIA, data should be collected from the parents, teachers, play ground centers and child care centers. There should be supplementary education to these stakeholders about the healthy food and long term impact of unhealthy food on the children. Both the online and print based media should be incorporated in the teaching of these stakeholders. This programme should be designed to both the school and non-school going children. Children should be promoted to do physical exercise. Mid-day meal in the school should be nutritious and it should include fruits and milk. Junk food and other unhealthy food should be banned in the school premises. Children should restrict on consuming off-campus food and restaurants. Government should apply heavy taxation on the junk food. Social marketing should be encouraged to supply healthy food to the schools. Government should implement policies to provide healthy food to the children, specifically subsidy should be provided on the health y child food. There should be regular health check up for the children at schools and child care centre to assess children with both malnutrition and children prone to obesity. Members form the same society should be included the working group of the project. A 24 hr support system should be provided to all the members of the community. There should be involvement of public figures and celebrities for the campaign of the policy. Encourage children by giving prizes for beat performing child. Discussion and conclusion: The equity-focused HIA allowed the child nutrition program to evaluate its prospective advantage and disadvantage for low and high socioeconomic children. It can also adopted to maximize the positive impacts and minimize negative impacts. This child nutrition programme assessed strategies to meet the requirements of the low and high economic status community. This child nutrition assessed the equality and inequality gaps in the mentioned community. Management and expert committee were able to made final recommendation due to well structured HIA plan. In conclusion, child nutrition HIA was a helpful tool to develop equity in low and high economic status children. This programme reduced the inequality in this population. This methodology can be used in other communities. References: Birley, M. (1999). Procedures and methods for health impact assessment. In: Health impact assessment. Report of a Methodological Seminar. London: Department of Health, 1133. Bond, A. (2004). Lessons from EIA. In Health Impact Assessment. Edited by: Kemm J, Parry J, Palmer S. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 131-142. Datar, A. and Nicosia, N. (2012). Junk Food in Schools and Childhood Obesity. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 31(2), pp. 312-337. Douglas, M.J. and Scott-Samuel, A. (2001). Addressing health inequalities in health impact assessment. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 55(7), pp. 450451. Fox, M.K., Dodd, A.H, Wilson, A. and Gleason, P.M. (2009). Association between school food environment and practices and body mass index of US public school children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(2), pp. S108-17. Gagnon, F., Turgeon, J. and Dallaire, C. (2007). Healthy public policy: A conceptual cognitive framework. Health Policy, 81(1), pp. 42-55. Harris-Roxas, B., Viliani, F., Bond, A., et al., (2012). Health Impact Assessment: The state of the art. Impact Assessment And Project Appraisal, 30(1), pp. 4352. Harris-Roxas, B., Haigh, F., Travaglia, J. and Kemp L. (2014). Evaluating the impact of equity focused health impact assessment on health service planning: three case studies. BMC Health Services Research, 5(14), p. 371. Hurley, K.M., Yousafzai, A.K. and Lopez-Boo, F. (2016). Early child development and nutrition: A review of the benefits and challenges of implementing integrated interventions. Advances in Nutrition , 7, pp. 357-363. Israel, B.A., et al., eds. (2006). Methods in Community-Based Participatory Research for Health. Jossey Bass Publishers: San Francisco, CA. Joffe, M. and J. Mindell J. (2002). A framework for the evidence base to support Health Impact Assessment. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 56, pp. 132-138. Mahoney, M., Simpson, S., Harris, E., Aldrich, R. and Stewart, W.J. (2004). Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment Framework, the Australasian Collaboration for Health Equity Impact Assessment (ACHEIA). Minkler, M. and Wallerstein, N.B. (2003). Community-Based Participatory Research for Health. CA: San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Povall, S.L., Haigh, F.A., Abrahams, D. and Scott-Samuel, A. (2014). Health equity impact assessment. Health Promotion International, 29(4), pp. 621-33. Signal, L. and Durham, G. (2000). Health Impact Assessment in the New Zealand Policy Context. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 15, pp. 11-26. Simpson, S., Harris, E. and Harris-Roxas, B. (2004). Health Impact Assessment: An introduction to the what, why and how. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 15(2), pp. 162167. Vohra, S., Amo-Danso, G. and Ball, J. (2013). Health impact assessment and its role in shaping government policy-making: the use of health impact assessment at the national policy level in England. In Integrating health impact assessment with the policy process. Edited by OMullane M. Oxford: Oxford University Press; pp. 7687. Wallerstein, N.B. and Duran, B. (2006). Using community-based participatory research to address health disparities. Health Promotion Practice, 7(3), pp. 312-23. Wuehler, S.E. and Nadjilem, D. (2011). Situational analysis of infant and young child nutrition policies and programmatic activities in Chad. Maternal Child Nutrition, 7(1), pp. 63-82.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Crucible And The Use Of Au Essay Example For Students

The Crucible And The Use Of Au Essay Todays society is composed of a country built on the Constitution, which is governed by laws, justice in these laws and authority. Authority holds precedence in any situation; the policeman upholding the law, the judge administering justice, the common citizen being law abiding. However, true authority is not constituted by a diploma, an appointment, or a title, it is earned by respect, honor and integrity. All of which are misused, and misunderstood, in the The Crucible. Authority can be a means of rectifying ones situation in a community. With a title, authority is swayed to protect a persons image or self respect, resulting in anothers misfortune. Reverend Parris himself led in the persecution of several innocent townspeople, all in protection of his own image and pulpit let it be disgraced by a niece that was a liar and sleep around. Now a man of lesser title, or precedent, would probably have been sneered at for believing his niece was afflicted with witchcraft and carrying out such accusations against the townspeople, but, as a man of god, more people were willing to believe in his feelings, resulting in the death of 20 individuals. Thomas Putnam, a man resembling wealth and property authority, was able to conveniently gain more property and wealth as a means of accusing his enemies of witchcraft to spite his own profit. Deputy Governor Danforth, a symbol of civil authority, controlled the court to his advantage by limiting his thoughts in regar ds to the obvious act put in front of him by the afflicted girls. A person who may have been innocent could easily be persecuted by a wealthy or titled person who had more authority, or was deemed so by the standards of the day or the title beseeched him. We will write a custom essay on The Crucible And The Use Of Au specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Respect and honor are key in maintaining authority. A persons true authority comes from the people, and is gained only through respect and honor. A respected person holds more weight in a society than any wealthy or titled individual. Rebecca Nurse, who is well known in Beverly for her goodwill, shows authority over the people who believe in her and mourn her when she is being persecuted for witchcraft. John Proctor also holds authority throughout the trials as an honest working man who holds deep honor and integrity for himself, despite his previous acts of adultery. Rebecca and John both lead the people in establishing a crumbling within the trials, they are deeply respected within the community. Nurse is not the Bridget Bishop who slept with her husband a year before marriage, and John is not the man who drank his family into debt and starvation. These facts give them a higher edge in the community, and cause in the dissolution of the trials themselves. Respect and honor earn them both authority in Salem, a position normally bestowed on titled or diplomed individuals who may, or may not, deserve it. A person with integrity can also easily hold authority in a situation. Reverand Hale shows true authority when he realizes that innocents are being helplessly persecuted, and shows so by leaving the court. Procter shows integrity for himself when he refuses to sign his declaration of being possessed by the devil. Governor Danforth lacked authority as a result of lacking integrity. By failing to remain open minded in relation to F. Nurse, Giles Corey, Mary Warren and Proctors declarations, his true authority became non existent, people were more willing to defy him and the courts after his own acts against justice. Authority cannot be appointed. There is good and evil to each person, regardless of position or social class. Authority can fall into the wrong hands at any time as a result of a title (i.e., Sudam Husain and Adolph Hitler.) True authority is earned, and used in benefit, not destruction, of man kind.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Better Off Dead Cinimatography essays

Better Off Dead Cinimatography essays Better Off Dead, a movie from the eighties, is abundant in amusing cinematography. Almost always tying in with humorous situations, the cinematography in Better Off Dead often creates them. Cinematography is the art or technique of movie photography, including both the shooting and development of the film. In laymens terms, its the making of a movie, or "movie art. The movie is noticeably an eighties film. Cinematography throughout the film is particularly notable because it is witty and entertaining. Appearing constantly, it adds entertainment to the classic storyline of unfortunate soul/unpopular boy falling in love when everything else around him is mayhem. Seventeen-year-old Lane Meyer is the main character. His life seams to be a downward spiral as one bad experience follows another. His mother, a ditz who seemingly has her head in the clouds, is a horrible chef. She enjoys attempting to prepare obviously disgusting dinners for the family, despite her investment in TV-dinners as Christmas presents. Lanes father is constantly yelling at him to take care of his car, which is sitting, busted in the driveway. His younger brother, somewhat a genius, is able to pick up more girls than Lane and also create both a working rocket and a gun. Beth, love of his life, has left him for the popular, superficial, better looking, captain of the ski team (which Lane unsuccessfully tried out for), Roy. His best friend is so desperate for a high that he even sniffs snow. Amazingly, among the chaos, Lane falls in love with a charming foreign-exchange student living next door...who has been said to speak the language of love with the disgusting son of th e big boned, Cruella-Divil look-alike who has brought her to her house for her sons sake. Small roles such as the one played by Johnny, the insane paperboy add humorous situations to the already discouraging plot which is the...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Love letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Love letter - Essay Example I did not want things to become awkward between us, so I have been keeping my feelings inside. However, due to the strength of our friendship, I feel that I would be insulting you and our friendship if I did not confide in you about how I feel. We have been through so much together, growing up together, and my feelings for you have only increased over the years. While I would love something more to come from our friendship, if you do not return my feelings, then I would like your help in figuring out what I should do about these feelings that I have been having. Your friendship means a lot to me as it is; I would rather have you as just a friend, rather than nothing, so I am willing to make this work in whatever way you feel comfortable with, and that we can further benefit our friendship. I do not want my feelings to get in the way of an already amazing friendship. If you are willing to, I would also be willing to give us a try without others knowing. We can try out something more than a friendship under the radar, just until we can know if we can work this out or not. We could keep this on the down low until we understand more of what we want to do, and if we want to further our relationship. Again, if you are unwilling to do this, then I am up to working out something else with you. I would like to take our friendship to the next level, yet I also want to protect what is already there between us; your feelings in regards to this are very important to me, and I do not want to hurt them, nor do anything that might damage the friendship that we already have. My friendship for you has grown into a deep love and respect that I could never have thought possible. I would like to see something come of this, yet I am also willing to settle on the wonderful friendship that we have always had. You will always mean a lot to me, regardless of what you are to me – a

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The purpose of the study is to determine if long-term reductions in Dissertation

The purpose of the study is to determine if long-term reductions in employee compensation, benefits, and incentives directly aff - Dissertation Example Having a clear understanding of the motivation of employees is tremendously significant to managers as well as the supervisors, particularly in the industries today where the limited budgets make it complicated to reward workers monetarily. The supervisors have to possess a clear idea of how the monetary incentives can motivate the employees to work harder in an organization (Bin Saeed, 1985). In order to analyze the effect of the long-term reductions in employee compensation, benefits, and incentives directly affecting the State of Colorado workers’ motivation, job satisfaction and morale, it is important to include the two well-known motivational theories i.e. Herzberg’s two factor theory (1959) as well as Adam’s equity theory (1963), into the project’s theoretical framework. The Herzberg’s Two-factor theory (1959), also commonly known as the motivation-hygiene theory, implies that there are certain factors at a workplace that result in job satisf action, while an entirely different set of factors cause employee dissatisfaction (Herzberg, 1959). According to the theory, employee motivation is influenced by two distinct factors. Psychological well-being and satisfaction were factors of the ‘motivation factors’, while dissatisfaction resulted from the ‘hygiene factors’. ... n the other hand, employee dissatisfaction is usually a result of missing extrinsic motivation factors or the hygiene factors, that include pay, security, conditions, and so on (Wigdor & House, 2006). If we take into consideration the decrease in hygiene factors of the State Workers for e.g. pay, security, and fringe benefits we see that over the previous 3 fiscal years (2007-2010) there was a decrease in typical intrinsic motivators (opportunities of advancement, statewide hiring, and promotion freeze). Herzberg’s theory helps explains the reasons for lack of motivation among the Colorado employees and their consistent job dissatisfaction. As the hygiene factors decrease, the employees lose their motivation to work and this is presumably characteristic of the department of EHS at CSU, since a steady decline in their motivational levels, job satisfaction and productivity is seen. Herzberg’s two factor theory can also be connected to Maslow’s levels of hierarchy i n order to provide comprehensive understanding of the fact that negligent incentives can contribute to employee dissatisfaction. Abraham H. Maslow made an effort to devise a needs-based structure of human motivation. Moreover, White & Pierce (2000) also imply that the foundation of Maslow’s motivation theory suggests that human beings are pushed forward by unsatisfied wants, and that some lower  factors need to be fulfilled before higher needs can be satisfied. According to Maslow, the needs can be divided into certain categories such as physiological, survival, safety, love, and esteem, that must be fulfilled before a person can act selflessly. He gave these needs the name of "deficiency needs" (White & Pierce, 2000). Relating the research of Maslow as well as Herzberg, we understand that their

Friday, January 31, 2020

The Resistance of a Wire Essay Example for Free

The Resistance of a Wire Essay Steps 1 to 5 were repeated but the number of wires between the crocodile clips was increased by one each time until the total number of wires was The diammeter of the Constantan wire was measured using the Micrometer Screw Gauge. The diammeter was measured at two different places along the wire and the average value used in the calculation of the area. Measurements;   The length of wire between the crocodile clips was measured (L) using the metre rule.   The Potential Difference across the wire (V) was measured using the Voltmeter. The Current through the wire was measured twice and the average taken. This measurement was made using the Ammeter.   The diammeter of the wire (d) was measured using the Micrometer Screw Gauge. Results and Calculations Resistance (R) Resistance was calculated using each pair of values of V and Iaverage using the relationship R = V/Iaverage Cross-Sectional Area (A) The cross-sectional area was calculated using the relationship A = ? d2/4 d1 d2 daverage A = ? (daverage)2/4 mm mm mm x 10-2 mm2 0. 26 0. 26 0. 26 5. 31 The total area is given by A = Cross-sectional area of one wire x the Number of Wires Resistance and Length Potential Difference (V) Current (I1) Current (I2) Current (Iaverage) Length (L) Resistance (R) Volts Amps Amps Amps cm Ohms 3Resistance and Area Potential Difference Number of Wires Current Current Current Area 1/Area Resistance (V) (I1) (I2) (Iavge) (A) (1/A) (R) Volts Amps Amps Amps x10-2mm2 mm-2 Ohms Graphs of Results A Graph of Resistance against Length A Graph of Resistance against Area This graph is obviously not a straight line through the origin. A Graph of Resistance against 1/Area Conclusion Resistance and Length The graph of Resistance against the length of the wire is a striaght line passing through the origin. This means that the Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the wire as long as the cross-sectional area is constant. Resistance ? Length R ? L Doubling the length of the wire causes the Resistance to double. This agrees with the prediction that I made using my scientific background knowledge. Resistance and Area The graph of Resistance against cross-sectional area is NOT a straight line through the origin. The graph of 1/(cross-sectional area) is a straight line through the origin. This means that the Resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the wire as long as the length is constant. Resistance ? 1/(cross-sectional area) R ? 1/A Doubling the cross-sectional area of the wire causes the Resistance to halve. This agrees with the prediction that I made using my scientific background knowledge. Evaluation Justification of the Conclusions Resistance and Length All of the experimental measurements of resistance and length lie on or close to a straight line through the origin on the graph. Resistance and Area All of the experimental measurements of resistance and 1/(cross-sectional area) lie on or close to a straight line through the origin on the graph. Uncertainties Measurement of Voltage The Voltage was measured using a 0-5 Volt d. c. Analogue Voltmeter. The smallest scale division on this scale was 0. 2 Volts This gives an uncertainty of + or 0. 2 Volts allowing for an uncertainty in the setting of the zero on the Voltmeter. Measurement of Current The Current was measured using a 0-1 Amp d. c. Analogue Ammeter and a 0-5 Amp d. c. Analogue Ammeter. The smallest scale division on the 0-1A scale was 0. 02 Amps. This gives an uncertainty of + or 0. 02 Amps allowing for an uncertainty in the setting of the zero on the Ammeter. The smallest scale division on the 0-5A scale was 0. 1 Amps. This gives an uncertainty of + or 0. 1 Amps allowing for an uncertainty in the setting of the zero on the Ammeter. Changing from one scale to another is bad practice as the two scales may not have been similarly calibrated. Measurement of Length The length of the wire was measured using a metre rule. The smallest scale division on the rule was 1mm. This gives an uncertainty of + or 1mm. There is an uncertainty of + or 0. 5mm at each end of the length of wire. It was difficult to ensure that no kinks occurred in the wire. Kinks in the wire would have meant that the wire was actually longer than the measured value. Measurement of Diammeter The diammeter was measured using a Micrometer Screw Gauge The smallest scale division on the Micrometer Screw Gauge was 0. 01mm. This gives an uncertainty of + or 0. 01 mm allowing for an uncertainty in the setting of the zero on the Micrometer Screw Gauge Resistance The contacts between the crocodile clips and the wire may have introduced extra resistance into the circuit. The amount of extra resistance cannot be estimated and will have changed during the course of the investigation. Temperature The resistance of a metal wire does change with temperature and despite keeping the voltage low, the temperature of the wire will have changed during the investigation. Constantan wire was selected for the investigation because its resistance does not change very much as the temperature changes. The wire was laid out on the desk so that any heating effect would be minimised. The heat generated would have been lost to the surroundings. The resistance of a metal wire increases as the temperature goes up. Anomalous Results All of the values plotted on the graphs of Resistance against Length and Resistance against 1/(cross-sectional area) were close to the straight line (the line of best fit). This was certainly true within the limits of accuracy of the experiments. There were no anomalous results. Improvements Contact Resistance at the Crocodile Clips. It should be possible to develop a technique for connecting the wires into the circuit which would eliminate any uncertainty due to the contacts. This might involve soldering connections to the wire under test. This would involve quite a lot of extra work which would not be justified by the increase in accuracy obtained. Increased Number of Values of Cross-Sectional Area Because the final graph used was Resistance against 1/(Cross-Sectional Area) the points plotted were not evenly spaced. Keeping the Temperature of the Wire Constant There are two ways in which the temperature of the wire could have been kept more nearly constant. Using much smaller values for the applied Potential Difference and therefore the current through the wire. This could have been achieved by placing a large value resistor in series with the wire say 0-5000 Ohms. We would have needed to use a much more sensitive ammeter and voltmeter.   Placing the wire in a water bath as shown in the diagram below. The temperature of the wire would have been the same as the water bath. A large amount of heat energy is needed to change the temperature of the water bath because of the high value for the Specific Heat Capacity of water. Extension of the Investigation. Different Materials Different metals have different values for their resistivity ? . A series of experiments could be carried out to measure the resistivities of different metals and alloys. Change of Resistance with Temperature A series of experiments could be carried out to measure the change in resistance of a fixed length of Constantan wire as the temperature of the wire is changed. This could be done by placing the wire under test in a water bath and changing the temperature of the water bath by heating it with a Bunsen burner. The length and cross-sectional area of the wire would be kept constant.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Penetanguishene Charter Violation :: essays research papers

In Penetanguishene, the law now says that anyone under 16 out after 12am will be taken home. This was on VR News tonight, the reasons they listed--a skate park had been graffitied and a park bench was slightly burned in a fire. These all seem a little light to me, I guess to a town of less than 9000 people, it's very severe, but is that an excuse to defy the Constitutional rights of Canadians? I have so many problems with this, I don't know where to begin. I think I'll start with the Charter, section 15. (1) "Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability." I'd like to stress on equal protection and equal benefit without discrimination based on age. What is this? It's discriminating based on age. Penetanguishene has introduced a law targeted at a group of people, without taking in any individual merit (more on this later), and using age as the target point. We all have to remember that just because someone is a minor, it does not give the right for the government to abuse them. Unless it can be proven that all people in Penetanguishene under 16 out after 12am are committing a crime or are planning to commit a crime, this law is unconstitutional. This law infringes on section 2. c) by depriving the right to peaceful assembly as the police will not take into account what the people are doing and will take home anyone and everyone fitting the [already deemed unconstitutional] preset criteria. It infringes on section 7., it deprives liberty of these people to not give them the choice, and the reasons do not affect the principles of fundamental justice at all. So, what does the local Ontario Provincial Police have to say about enforcing an unconstitutional curfew? "It's not a curfew". According to the OPP, they are not introducing any new law, simply enforcing an already passed law (regrettably I can neither remember which jurisdiction it was under or what it was called, something about Youth and Family Services). A good question is what's the point of fighting this, Burlington has curfew bylaws and I don't say anything about them. Well it's simple, Burlington's curfew is there in case it has to be used, like a police officer's sidearm, they don't go around shooting everyone for anything, but should the rare occurrence that they need it, it's there.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

About Edumentor

About eduMENTOR This is a very small firm. Its full name is edumentor educational services. It provides coaching to students for cracking entrance exams of B. B. S. ; B. B. A. ; B. B. E. Promoter of edumentor is Vikas Jain who is Shaheed Sukhdev College of studies passout. At the moment, edumentor is a partnership firm run by Mr. Vikas Jain and Mr. Manuj Arora. Although it is a small firm but it is fastest growing coaching centre ever (according to data provided by them). Edumentor is just three years old and is now threatening the business of IMS (temple of learning); T. I. M. E. ; Career launcher and many smaller coaching centres. Members of eduMENTOR Mr. Vikas Jain and Mr. Manuj Arora (owners of the firm) Mr. Aashish and Mr. Saurabh Mr. Deepak Sharma There were 3 more employees who were sitting in the office, but I don’t know the name of them. I am assuming there name as A, B, C. Level of management There is no middle level management in this firm. There is only low level management and high level management in edumentor. My project is based on high level management of edumentor. My history with eduMENTOR There is a history of mine with edumentor. I have worked here as a trainee. Last year (March, 2008), edumentor was conducting counseling for commerce students who were appearing for 12th class board exam. They appointed more than 250 trainees for this purpose. I was supervisor of 7 trainees. Among those trainees there was a guy named Deepak Sharma. We became very good friends at that time. After the completion of counseling project, I left edumentor, but Deepak still worked there and today he is project manager of edumentor. I also know Vikas Jain, Manuj Arora, aashish, saurabh because of last year training done by me. My observation in eduMENTOR I have spent 3 days in edumentor for doing organizational behaviour project. On day 1, as I entered the office, aashish sir greeted me, I felt very much delighted because aashish sir always talked me rudely last year. On next 2 days no one greeted me. On all 3 days both of them wore informal clothes. According to my 3 days experience in edumentor, I come to know that there is a very good relationship between all the members of edumentor. In my presence, 5 students have taken admission in edumentor. Whenever any student takes admission, they all start celebrations. Deepak is the guy who literally loves edumentor. Whenever I talk him about edumentor, he always starts praising it. Deepak also got a job offer from Brilliant Tutorials with a better salary but he opted to stay at edumentor. I asked him why he rejected the job, he said â€Å"in edumentor everyone knows me, I am getting better job designation here and as edumentor grow, I will also grow! † This was his answer. Edumentor had also provided 0% loan to Deepak. Because of this loan Deepak purchased new scooty. I loved this type of helping employee management. Aashish sir is a professional counselor. He does counseling of students who come to edumentor office. Bringing the students in edumentor office is the responsibility of Deepak and to let them enroll in edumentor (admission in edumentor) is the responsibility of Aashish sir. Responsibility of Saurabh sir is almost same as responsibility of aashish sir. Saurbh sir does the counseling in coaching centres. Aashish sir is also responsible for keeping cash. Mr. A is responsible for for making question paper and Ms. B & Ms. C are responsible for telephonic calling. Although designations of A, B, C are small, but they are all treated cordially. They are considered as a important member of edumentor family. Like Deepak, Aashish sir is also very desperate for the success of edumentor, although he is just an employee. When I first met Aashish sir last year, I thought he is the owner of edumentor. Aashish sir had done post graduate in finance from a very good university. He is also getting finance related jobs but like Deepak he opted to stay at edumentor. A, B, and C are also good employees but they are working for money. I had seen Ms. B and Ms. C reading ‘situation vacant’ in the newspaper. Mr. A generally didn’t talk to anyone. Whenever he talked it was related to his work. Last year Saurabh sir faced a bike accident. After 6 months, he recovered. Edumentor sponcered half of his medical expenses. I liked this type of sponcership, this type of management. Because of this, Saurabh sir is very loyal to edumentor. Saurabh Sir is also responsible for board activities under which he recruits trainees. These trainees do small counseling of commerce students who are appearing for board exam at their board centers. Counseling here implies pursuing students to take admission in edumentor and also telling them the future aspects of BBS, BBA, BBE. Mr. A’s job is to make question paper. He does this job under the supervision of Manuj sir. Manuj sir is actually responsible for managing question paper. Manuj sir also offered me the job of making question paper. He asked me like this â€Å"Raghav if you want to prepare for CAT entrance exam then do this job, you will automatically get prepared for CAT! † This is called true management. With a style he convinced me to do this low paid job and I also agreed to his offer. Manuj sir is also responsible for overall management of edumentor. There is no specific HR department in edumentor. Manuj sir, Aashish sir, Saurabh sir, Vikas sir and Deepak all are performing HR job. They all trust each other very much. Because of this trust, there is no room for confusion. Vikas sir is the guy who started edumentor. According to my observation Vikas sir is only investing in edumentor. He is simply an investor. As he is the main stake holder of edumentor, final decision related to management is taken by him only. Although he does not participate in day to day management, but he is the only guy who motivates every employee, make them feel that they are the owner of edumentor. The meetings held in edumentor are informal. Sometimes they even crack jokes. On day 2 of my observation, they were discussing about recruiting trainees from school of open learning. Although their topic was serious, but they were discussing it informally. Meetings held there were spontaneous. Whenever there was an issue either it was small or big, they immediately conduct meeting. I loved this quick management in edumentor. When there is no meeting, then also they generally talk informally, although their talks are related to their work. Vikas sir, Manuj sir, Aashish Sir, Saurabh sir and Deepak are like the pillars of edumentor. Vikas sir and Manuj sir are obviously concerned for edumentor as they are the owners of firm. But Saurabh sir, Deepak and Aashish sir are also very concerned for edumentor, they all are getting better job, but they opted to stay in edumentor. According to them edumentor is going to become no. coaching centre and working in edumentor is like investment, they will grow as edumentor grows. The environment of edumentor is too good. This is the type of office in which I can spend my whole life. Here everyone is interested in success of edumentor. I would love to work here as growth of edumentor is proportional to growth of mine. There is positive vibration everywhere in the office. Small conclusion Edumentor is the best place to work specia lly for beginners as there is big room for growth. Vikas sir is a dynamic leader, student who wants to be a great leader should work under his guidance.